Tuesday November 5th is the last day an undergraduate student may, with the dean’s approval, withdraw from the University or drop a class except for urgent and substantiated, nonacademic reasons. This is also the last day to submit a Course Load Reduction application to SSD to have a course dropped for disability/non-academic reasons.
All students wanting to drop a course for disability-related reasons need to submit a completed CLR application and provide documentation that verifies they are seeking to drop a course for disability-related reasons. If a student is registered with SSD and has a CLR as an approved accommodation no additional documentation is needed as long as the CLR application has been submitted by 5pm on Tuesday November 5th.
After November 5th there is a Late/Appeal Course Load Reduction process for students who may have had unexpected circumstances occur after November 5th. Students applying for a Course Load Reduction during this period will need to submit a completed CLR application that contains an explanation of why they need to drop after the University drop deadline AND provide time sensitive documentation (documentation must indicate what has changed after the drop deadline -i.e. hospitalization, significant change in status, etc.-that justifies a late course drop). The last date any Course Load Reduction applications will be accepted is Friday, November 22nd.
Graduate students have until the last class day (December 6th) to drop a course using a Course Load Reduction.
Students who need to withdraw from UT after November 5th will need to complete a Medical Withdrawal application and submit supporting documentation from a health care provider. The deadline to submit a Medical Withdrawal application is the last class day, December 6th.
If you are considering dropping a course and have any questions about deadlines or processes, please contact your Disabilities Services Coordinator or come to Walk In from 9am-4pm as soon as possible. SSD does not have the ability to alter University Deadlines.