As we get ready to start the Spring 2015 semester we have some important information to share with students, faculty and staff across campus!
SSD recently completed the configuration of a new database that will allow us to streamline many of our services and processes. Throughout the semester, we will be sending out emails about any changes that may impact your interactions with our office. We will also be posting this information on our website, so please be sure to check back regularly to make sure you are not missing any important information.
Although the database will make many of our processes faster and more efficient, please be patient with us if you encounter any issues or delays as we work out any kinks during its first semester of use. There have been some slight changes to the accommodation letter request process and to the accommodation letter itself, so please read the following information carefully:
• Students registered with SSD should request accommodation letters online as usual. For more information about your responsibilities when arranging your accommodations and for the online submission form, go to this link: In addition to providing the course name, professor’s first and last name, YOU MUST NOW ENTER THE UNIQUE NUMBER OF EACH COURSE. If you do not enter all information, your letters will not get printed and/or there will be a delay.
• There have been some changes made to the language and information in the letter. Please read one of your letters to become familiar with the wording and to be aware of any changes.
• Accommodation letters will have a slightly different appearance. The paper used for printing the letters has been changed, and the University seal will now be in all black rather than burnt orange. We will be sending an email to all professors so they are aware of these changes. Please have them call SSD if they have any concerns about the letter’s new appearance. In addition, the listed accommodations are now separated into two categories: classroom and testing accommodations.
• Although we have spent a great deal of time making sure that all of the data in the new database is accurate, please check your letters to make sure it includes all of your accommodations. If you think there is an error or omission on your accommodation letters, please contact your Disabilities Services Coordinator in SSD immediately so the issue can be addressed.
• We will start printing letters this week and fully intend to have them ready within 5 business days of the day they were requested. If you requested them before this week, your letters are already in the queue and will likely be printed this week. If your email is on file with SSD, you should receive an email when the letters are ready to be picked up, but if you do not receive that email within 5 business days, please call the front desk to check on the status of your letters.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this transition. As always, please contact your coordinator in SSD right away if you have any questions or concerns.