Spring Has (Almost) Sprung!
Only a few more weeks until a much deserved spring break! SSD will be open during spring break (March 12-16th) but we hope you get the opportunity to rest, relax or maybe just catch up on work!
Mark Your Calendar for these Important SSD Deadlines!
April 1st- SSD Test Reservation Deadline: The last date to reserve exam space at SSD for the spring 2018 semester will be April 1st (no fooling!). If your instructor cannot provide your testing accommodations make sure you submit your reservation before April 1st. For more information visit Using Testing Accommodations
April 2nd: Course Load Reduction Deadline: Students who need to drop a class for disability-related reasons must submit a completed CLR application by 5pm on April 2nd. Application and more information are available here: CLR/MW Information.
Campus Conversations about Accessibility
Do you have questions or concerns about accessibility on campus?
Want a chance to talk directly to UT staff who coordinate different aspects of campus accessibility?
All UT Students are encouraged to come chat with campus experts about accessibility at UT! Staff from various UT departments will be on hand to provide updates about accessibility on campus and to listen and respond to students’ questions and concerns related to any aspect of accessibility. Students can also submit questions online ahead of time.
Plan to attend and learn more about accessibility at UT!
- Wednesday March 21st from 3-4pm UNB 3.304
- Thursday March 29th from 4-5pm UNB 3.304
More information about these events will be posted on the SSD website. Stay tuned!
Disability+Employment Workshops
As you start thinking about internships or future employment, consider signing up for SSD’s Disability and Employment Workshops! The Workshops are being offered to prepare students with disabilities who are getting ready to graduate or seek internships.
Each workshop will be followed by an interactive group session where we will discuss what we learned, how it applies you, and any questions or concerns you might have about entering the workplace. Pizza will be provided!
- Thursday: 3/1, 1-2:30pm in SSB G1.106: Resume writing with The University Writing Center.
- Thursday 3/8, 1-2:30pm in SSB 3.406: Disability Rights in the workplace with Student Legal Services
- Thursday 3/22, 1-2:30pm in SSB G1.106: Employment Accommodations with JAN (Job Accommodation Network)
- Thursday 3/29, 1-2:30pm in G 1.106: Self-Advocacy in the Workplace
- Thursday 4/5, 1-2:30pm in SSB G1.106: Professional Networking with Austin-based employers
To RSVP for any/all of the workshops please email Chelsea DeSimone at chelsead@austin.utexas.edu.
If you are in need of funding for your education check out the Scholarship page of the SSD website which has specific scholarships for students with a disability. Find them all listed here: Scholarships
disABILITY Advocacy Student Coalition(DASC)
DASC is accepting submissions for their new blog! Connect with us on HornsLink, Facebook, or by email: dascatut@gmail.com
Wheelchair Tennis
Wheelchair Tennis at UT will be starting on March 20th!
Tuesday nights March 20th-April 24th from 6:30-8:30 at Whitaker Fields
No experience or equipment necessary. Come give tennis a try!
RSVP to emily.s@austin.utexas.edu
2018 Paralympic Games
The 2018 Winter Paralympics will be March 9th-18th in PyeongChang. Athletes with physical disabilities will be competing for medals in six sports. Learn more about the Paralympic Games here.