We hope you are enjoying a break from the busyness of the semester before your summer plans begin!
For those of you who will not be returning to UT for another semester, please read below for how your file will be stored.
SSD End of the Year Survey
There are more than 3,000 students registered with SSD but only 61 have completed our End of the Year survey. This is your opportunity to provide us with feedback and help us identify areas for changes and improvements.
We have extended the deadline for the survey to June 15th: SSD End of the Year Survey
Congratulations to Our Graduates!!
We are so proud of your accomplishments and wish you all the best in your next adventure! Check out the stories of some of our graduates highlighted by DCCE at the following link: Celebrating Our Spring 2019 Graduates.
SSD will be inactivating your file after you graduate and your file will be kept according to our record retention policy. You can find more information online at SSD’s Reactivation and Maintenance of Records .
NEW: SSD Instructor Web Portal
Starting with Summer 2019, instructors will have the option of using the SSD Instructor Portal to help coordinate accommodations. Read more about the features of the SSD Instructor Portal: SSD Web Portal.
Beware: Phishing Scam referencing SSD
SSD has become aware of a phishing scam targeting UT related to disability-related part time work. The individual sending the emails is in no way connected to UT or SSD. For more information visit SSD’s website: Phishing Scam Notice
Lois Ford LaBauve Scholarship
SSD awards this scholarship for students with a disability that pertains to vision or reading ability. Deadline to apply is June 14th. More information and application here: SSD Scholarships
Wheelchair/Adaptive Tennis
Join SSD and RecSports for tennis on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30 on courts 28 and 29 at Whitaker Field. No experience or equipment required! RSVP to emily.s@austin.utexas.edu if you plan to attend!