Priority registration to register for Summer and Fall 2025 classes will be on Monday, April 7th from 2pm to midnight.
Below are the action steps undergraduate students should take to use priority registration:
1) Clear all advising and other holds prior to April 7th. If these holds are not cleared, you will not be able to register for classes. If your major requires advising, you must meet with an advisor within your department to have your advising hold cleared prior to registering for classes. If you are not sure if this applies to you, please contact your college.
2) You may have other financial or non-financial holds that need to be cleared prior to registration. More information regarding holds and instructions to clear them can be found HERE.
3) Check your Registration Information Sheet (RIS) to make sure your first registration time slot shows April 7th from 2pm-midnight. If you have no holds and you do not see the Priority Registration time slot on your Registration Information Sheet (RIS), you must email your Access Coordinator (or if you are unsure of your Coordinator) by Thursday, April 3rd by 12:00pm. Upon receiving your email, they will take the necessary steps to fix this problem with the Registrar.
Be sure to select the semester for which you are registering (Summer or Fall 2025). Do not select the current semester (Spring 2025) as registration for this semester has already taken place.
Questions about specific courses, advising or wait lists should be addressed with your academic advisor since D&A cannot answer these types of questions.