- General Questions
- Prospective Students
- Current Students
- Faculty & Staff
- Parents
- Clinicians
- Assistive Technology
General Questions:
Where can I get information regarding Disability and Access?
Disability and Access (D&A) is a department of the Division of Student Affairs. D&A is located in Office Suite 4.206 of the Student Services Building. D&A works with students with hearing disabilities, visual disabilities, learning disabilities, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, mobility disabilities, psychological disabilities, medical disabilities, Autism, temporary disabilities, and Brain Injuries. You can call D&A at 471-6259 (voice) or 512-410-6644 (VP) for additional information.
What constitutes a disability?
As defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, a disability is a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities.
What does substantially limiting mean?
According to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, substantially limits is defined as being unable to perform a major life activity (i.e. caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working), or significantly restricted as to the condition, manner or duration under which a major life activity can be performed, in comparison to the average person or most people.
Who are the ADA Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator for The University?
The ADA Coordinator and Section 504 Coordinator is Dr. Jennifer Maedgen, Senior Associate Vice President. Her office, Institutional Accessibility and Accommodations, is a unit of University Risk and Compliance Services: https://compliance.utexas.edu/programs/iaa.
What is the process for registering as a student with a disability with D&A?
A student who wants to receive accommodations from D&A should follow the process for How to Register. Documentation of the disability must be submitted and deemed sufficient before an intake appointment can be scheduled. Students with questions can contact D&A during Drop In hours (10am-3pm Monday-Friday).
In high school I received accommodations through an Individualized Education Plan (or a 504 plan). Can I use the IEP (or 504 plan) as documentation of my disability?
No. The IEP is a valuable resource of information, but it cannot be used as documentation of the disability. Likewise, a Section 504 designation in high school does not constitute acceptable documentation for higher education.
What if I suspect I may have a disability but have never been diagnosed?
A student who thinks he or she may have a disability should contact during Drop In hours (10am-3pm Monday-Friday) to discuss their situation. D&A can provide information and referrals to help a student seek an assessment.
Is D&A involved with the admissions process?
No, D&A is not a participant in the admissions process. All students must be “otherwise qualified” to attend The University and must meet the same admissions standards, regardless of disability.
I have a disability that affected my grades. Should I disclose this during the admissions process?
The decision to disclose a disability or not during the admissions process is a personal one for each student. If admission has been denied, a student is typically encouraged to write a letter of explanation or appeal detailing the student’s academic record. This letter should be sent to the Admissions Office.
Is the entire campus at UT-Austin fully accessible to students with disabilities?
Most of the buildings and facilities at UT are accessible. The campus is large in size and does have hills. This is an old, historic campus but the majority of buildings and open areas are accessible. This continues to be a work in progress. D&A will work with students on an individual basis to ensure they can participate in all programs and services at UT. An online Campus Accessibility Map shows the locations of accessible entrances to campus buildings.
Are shuttle buses and other public transportation services accessible to students with disabilities?
Yes, the campus shuttle bus system is wheelchair accessible and all students are eligible to ride. Special Transit Services are provided by Capital Metro with the City of Austin. Arrangements must be made at least 24 hours in advance. To use this service, a student must apply with Capital Metro by calling 512-389-7435.
Does D&A have transportation that can take me from place to place on campus?
No, D&A does not provide transportation to students. The campus shuttle system is wheelchair accessible and all students are eligible to ride. Parking and Transportation Services has more information on shuttle routes and transportation options on campus.
I am on crutches for a temporary injury. Can I get a special parking permit?
Information about parking permits is available from Parking and Transportation Services (https://parking.utexas.edu/parking/disability-ada-parking-info). Call 512-471-7275 for more information.
I have a temporary injury to my arm/hand. How can I take my tests?
If a student believes assistance is necessary, they should contact D&A to discuss what resources may be available on a temporary basis.
I need a sign language interpreter. Where do I request interpreting services?
A Deaf or Hard of Hearing student registered with D&A may be eligible for interpreting/captioning services. Students can submit requests via the online form at the following link: Sign Language Interpreter/Captioning Services Request for Students. If you are not registered with D&A, contact the office at access@austin.utexas.edu to learn more about How to Register.
Faculty and staff can submit a request for interpreting services online at: Faculty/Staff Sign Language Interpreter/Captioning Services Request
For departmental and campus events, please submit a request for services online at: For members of the general public who would like to request an interpreter for a University-sponsored event, please contact the department sponsoring the event to request the interpreter.
Departments may request an interpreter using the online request form at Departmental and Campus Event Sign Language Interpreter/Captioning Services Request and must provide an account number for the charges to be billed through Interdepartmental Transfer (IDT) approximately 4-6 weeks after the event has taken place.
Prospective Students:
What should I do if I have been diagnosed with a disability and need accommodations?
All students admitted to the University and seeking accommodations at the University must submit documentation of their disability to D&A. Please note that disability-related documentation sent to the Office of Admissions is not automatically forwarded to D&A and documentation must be sent specifically to D&A. Reports can be emailed, mailed, or faxed to D&A at the following address:
Email: access@austin.utexas.edu (Please note that email is not a secure medium.)
Disability and Access
The University of Texas at Austin
100 West Dean Keeton St. A4100
Austin, TX 78712
Fax: 512 475-7730
All documentation received is considered pending until students complete an initial intake appointment. During the intake, students meet with a Coordinator familiar with their disability and review their documentation, history of accommodations, and whether additional information is required. Once a student has completed an intake appointment, the file is considered in Active status and students are eligible for accommodations at the University.
Will I have the same accommodations I had in high school?
Not necessarily. The goal of accommodations in higher education is to promote equal access and opportunity. Thus, accommodation decisions are made on a case-by-case basis with reference to specific functional limitations. As an example, not all students with learning disabilities will receive extra time on tests. Similarly, students who used extended time in high school, but whose scores do not support a clear need for this currently, may not be granted this accommodation at the University. Conversely, other accommodations that were not used in the secondary school environment (e.g., notetaking) may be appropriate in college.
I have a learning disability and was last tested when I was a freshman in high school. Do I need to get tested again?
Accommodation decisions are based on one’s current functioning, which means that documentation must reflect the current nature of one’s difficulties. While it is recognized that most students do not outgrow their disabilities, their needs may change over time. Thus, a current assessment using adult-normed tests is essential in order to determine what accommodations are most appropriate.
I was last evaluated as a senior for my learning disability. Will I have to continue to be re-evaluated every three years while I am at UT?
Generally not. Once your file is placed in Active status by D&A staff, it will remain active during your time at the University. The exception to this is for students who have disabilities which wax and wane over time, those with temporary conditions, or students who leave the University for an extended period of time and then return to the University. Your Coordinator will let you know if you fall into any of these categories and work out a plan with you for being re-evaluated. It is also important to note that many graduate programs and testing boards (e.g., LSAC, ETS, MCAT, ETS) require that documentation be within three years of the date of admission or test administration; therefore, updated testing may be necessary if you plan to use accommodations on graduate admissions exams or in graduate school.
How do I register with D&A?
You register with D&A by submitting documentation of your disability, completing an intake appointment with a Coordinator, and completing an Acceptance of Services and accommodation request form. Accommodation Letter request forms must be completed every semester in order to access accommodations. See “How to Register with D&A” for more information.
Who will know I have a disability and use accommodations?
D&A values confidentiality and your disability documentation is not considered part of your academic record. If you plan to use your accommodations, you must request and discuss your Accommodation Letter with your instructors each semester. Accommodation Letters will list the accommodations that need to be provided but will not contain any diagnostic or specific disability information. Students are not required to disclose their disability information with anyone outside of the D&A office. In general, information about your disability cannot be released without your written permission except by court order or otherwise mandated by law. It is a good idea to speak with your Coordinator about the limits of confidentiality and possible situations in which it may be appropriate to release information.
Will my transcript reflect that I have received accommodations in my classes?
No. Your disability information is considered confidential (see above) and is not included on your transcript.
Is there a separate admissions process for students with disabilities?
No. Students with disabilities are expected to meet the same admissions criteria as all other students. It is up to the student whether he/she wants to self-identify during the admissions process as having a disability. Please note that disability-related documentation sent to the Office of Admissions is not automatically forwarded to D&A.
How can I get to know other students with disabilities?
A great way to connect with other students with disabilities is through the Disability Cultural Center (DCC). The DCC serves as a hub on campus for community, education and advocacy for disabled students, faculty, staff and all members of the University community. The DCC works to create and sustain a sense of belonging for disabled people who study, teach and work at UT. In collaboration with campus partners, the DCC strives to create a community where disability is respected and valued as an important part of our campus community, and accessibility is built into the structure and design of all aspects of campus life. You can find more information at their website: https://dcc.disability.utexas.edu/.
How are professors informed of my need for accommodations? Will they know my diagnosis?
Professors are informed of a student’s need for accommodations by Accommodation Letters, which are delivered by the student. Students currently registered with D&A complete an Accommodation Letter request form each semester. Letters are then prepared for each class in which accommodations are requested. The letters are addressed to individual instructors. The instructor is informed through the letter that the student is registered with D&A and what accommodations that student is eligible to use. As noted above, diagnoses and/or specific information about the student’s disability are not included.
How much do D&A services cost?
There is no cost to the student for D&A services.
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Current Students:
How do I register with D&A?
Students can register with D&A by submitting documentation of their disability and completing an in person intake interview with a Coordinator. See “How to Register with D&A” for more information.
How do I find out what accommodations I am eligible for?
During your intake appointment, you and your Coordinator will discuss appropriate accommodations. Approved accommodations and services will be listed on your Acceptance of Services Form.
Who has access to my records?
Only you and D&A staff have access to your records. Disability documentation and specific information about your disability (including diagnosis) is not released without your written permission unless mandated by law. (See Confidentiality.)
I am nervous about talking to my professors. How should I approach them about my need for accommodations?
D&A strongly encourages students to meet with professors during office hours and/or to arrange an alternate meeting time so that there is sufficient time to discuss the accommodation letter and how your accommodation needs should be provided. Most faculty are familiar with the accommodation process and should be encouraged to call D&A if they have questions. Meeting with faculty face-to-face is essential in order to work out logistical details related to specific requests (e.g., where to take an exam if you need a reduced distraction environment). Meeting during office hours versus immediately before, during, or after class allows for more privacy and opportunity to discuss details.
What should I do if my instructor refuses to provide an accommodation listed in my Accommodation Letter?
If you do have problems with a professor providing appropriate and agreed upon accommodations, you should contact your D&A Coordinator immediately. See the section on the Grievance Procedure for more information.
How do I get notes in my classes?
Students should talk with their instructors how how they would prefer to find a volunteer notetaker within the class. Notetakers and students will use the D&A Student Portal to exchange notes. You will need to log into the D&A Student Portal and go to the Course Notes tab and indicate any class in which you will need notes. If a notetaker is available, you may view their sample notes and select the notetaker who should begin uploading notes after every class. If there are no notetakers available for a specific class please talk to your instructor who can make an announcement in class asking for a volunteer notetaker. If you experience continued difficulty with getting a notetaker or notes please contact your Coordinator as soon as possible.
Can I get a course substitution?
All students are responsible for meeting the degree requirements associated with their field of study. Students interested in seeking a course substitution should first contact the appropriate student dean in their college or school to determine its policies and procedures related to substitutions. Those seeking substitutions as a disability accommodation need to register with D&A and to consult with their Coordinator about whether such an accommodation is appropriate. The process for recommending a course substitution involves reviewing relevant disability documentation, students’ experience with the subject in question, and history of accommodations in those courses. Students are generally required to enroll in the course(s) with classroom accommodations prior to D&A making a recommendation for substitution. All final decisions/approvals regarding substitutions and appropriate substitute courses are made by the dean’s office in the student’s college or school.
What should I do if I think I have a disability, but have never been tested?
An appropriate first step would be to contact D&A during Drop In Hours (10am-3pm Monday-Friday) and talk with a Coordinator in order to more thoroughly discuss the difficulties you have been having. D&A does not conduct testing for learning or communication disorders, attention disorders, and/or psychological functioning; however, if such testing seems appropriate, we can refer you to clinicians who conduct such services in the community.
What happens if I leave the University and then come back? Do I need to bring new documentation?
It depends. Once registered for services, students’ files will remain active throughout their continuous enrollment at UT, unless other arrangements or timelines have been discussed. The files of students who leave the University will be placed on inactive status. It is important to know that prior approval for accommodations does not mean that students will be automatically approved for similar accommodations when they return. Students who return to the University after being absent for one or more long semesters will be asked to meet with the appropriate Coordinator in order to reactivate their files. Students may be asked to present new documentation depending on factors such as the length of time away from the University, date of original documentation, nature of the disability, and the original date through which accommodations were approved.
How long do you keep my records?
Files will be stored for five years from the date they are designated as inactive. See our Maintenance of Records policy for more information.
Faculty & Staff:
I just received an accommodation letter from a student. What should I do?
Students are encouraged to meet with faculty members individually to discuss the recommended accommodations. The purpose of this meeting is to work out details related to the provision of accommodations by discussing how they should be implemented (e.g., for extended test taking time- when the student should take the exam, etc.). Any agreed upon changes in the accommodations approved should be shared with D&A. Any questions regarding how to implement or the appropriateness of specific accommodation requests should be directed to D&A.
I am concerned that the requested accommodation changes the nature of my course. What do I do?
Contact D&A as soon as possible to discuss your concerns. You will be directed to the Coordinator working with the student requesting the accommodation. D&A staff are available to meet with faculty and students to discuss feasible alternatives.
Do I need to change my grading standards for students with disabilities?
No. The goal of accommodations in higher education is to provide students with disabilities with equal access and opportunity, not to provide an unfair advantage. In general, students with disabilities should be held to the same requirements as other students, although accommodations may alter how these requirements are met (e.g., provide more time to complete a test; allow tests to be taken in an alternate format). If you have any questions about a specific situation, please do not hesitate to call D&A.
A student presented me with an accommodation letter requesting extended test-taking time five minutes before the exam. This is the first I have heard of this request from this student. What should I do?
Students are encouraged by D&A staff to be timely in their requests, present accommodation letters as early as possible in the semester, and remind faculty of their need for accommodations five days before an exam. In this situation, if you are able, provide the extended time, but remind the student that he/she needs to work out arrangements with you prior to the next exam. If you do not have time or space available, let the student know this, and contact D&A as soon as possible.
I have several students with approved requests for extended test time and a reduced distraction environment. I don’t have the space or time to offer this.
In general, it is the faculty’s responsibility to provide time and space for exams. The University of Texas does have the Campus Testing Center (CTC) as a resource to provide space for accommodated testing. Instructors are required to schedule a test via RegisterBlast at least 5 business days before the exam date. Please note that the CTC is separate from D&A, so you will need to contact them directly with scheduling concerns.
There is a student in my class who I think has a disability. How do I refer them to D&A?
This can often be a sensitive topic and it is important to be attuned to the student’s needs. For students who continue to struggle despite what appears to be their best effort, you may simply want to recommend they contact D&A as a means of finding out if there are resources (e.g., academic support or enrichment services, tutoring) that are available to help them. During an initial interview, D&A staff can then determine whether an additional referral for testing is recommended. It is not advisable to say such things as “I think you have a learning (or other) disability.” Typically, the best approach is to be supportive, discreet, and non-directive, such as simply informing the student of the existence of D&A and services that are available through D&A. For more information, see Making a Referral to D&A.
Will I still be able to be as involved in my student’s accommodation plan as I was in high school?
Likely not. Once a student is 18 years old and in college, they are generally considered an adult, and all services provided by D&A are considered confidential. This means that they cannot be discussed without the student’s written permission. If you are concerned about your student’s accommodations, you are welcome to let us know and we can determine whether it is appropriate to contact the student and/or have you encourage him/her to contact D&A. We always welcome comments and suggestions.
Will you automatically know if my student is having difficulty in his/her classes?
No. Unlike teachers and counselors in high school, we are unable to track student’s progress in every class. While we are happy to assist them when they are having difficulty, we leave it up to the student to request such intervention. As a parent, the best thing you can do is to encourage your son/daughter to maintain contact with D&A before problems arise. However, be aware that some students prefer to go about the process on their own.
We can’t afford to have our student re-evaluated. Are there any other resources?
If your student is covered on a parent’s insurance plan, the insurance may cover a portion of the testing. However, individual plans vary. Contact your insurance company to determine if any psychoeducational evaluation is covered. D&A does maintain a limited testing fund if students wish to apply for financial assistance.
In addition, you may contact your local Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) office to determine if your student is eligible for services through TWC. If so, TWC may assist with an updated evaluation to determine appropriate vocational goals.
D&A also has information pertaining to financial assistance and a referral list of local providers in several communities around Texas. Some providers may operate on a sliding scale basis and you may contact various providers to ask if they will consider determining fees on a sliding scale or accept a payment plan.
Is a copy of my student’s 504 plan sufficient to establish accommodations?
No. D&A requires a copy of the most recent diagnostic report with specific recommendations. Please refer to the documentation guidelines.
My student has trouble with organization and time management. I am worried about him being able to get to class on time. Will your office make sure he does?
No. This is the student’s responsibility, but we are happy to provide him with resources and information regarding time management and other issues.
I have reviewed your guidelines for documentation and test protocols for learning disabilities. Do I have to give every test on the list?
No. The guidelines are intended to be just that – guidelines. Clinicians should use their professional judgment, given their knowledge of the student, of what tests are appropriate to administer. That being said, for most learning disabilities, assessment of certain domains are considered essential (e.g., aptitude, achievement, information processing), and certain tests are thought to be more comprehensive than others. For example, the Kaufman Brief Intelligence test (KBIT) is considered more appropriate as a supplemental or screening tool and generally not sufficient as the sole measure of intellectual ability.
I don’t understand why the student I evaluated was told her documentation was not sufficient to warrant accommodations in college. She was able to utilize accommodations in high school. What is the difference?
The purpose of accommodations is different in college than it is in high school, in part because of differences in law. It may be helpful to review Making the Transition to UT for more information on these differences.
Can the university help with the cost of the assessment?
D&A does maintain some limited funds that can be used to assist eligible students with the cost of an assessment/evaluation. Students should contact D&A to receive an application for the Testing Fund.
Assistive Technology:
How do I get books or other assigned material in an alternative format?
Students should turn in requests for alternative text as soon as they have registered for their classes for the next semester and/or are aware of their required textbooks/course material. The Alternative Text Request Form and additional information necessary can be found here: https://disability.utexas.edu/assistive-technology-2/#Alt%20Text.
What are the hours of the Assistive Technology Lab?
The ATEC Lab is open during D&A’s business hours; Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.
What equipment is available in the Assistive Technology Lab?
The Assistive Technology Lab (ATEC) is equipped with:
- 3 PC stations that include Zoom Text, Kurzweil 3000, and standard Microsoft software
- 1 PC station with JAWS and standard Microsoft software
- 1 adjustable height PC station with Kurzweil 3000, Dragon Naturally Speaking, Adobe Pro and standard Microsoft software
- Macintosh G4 station with standard software
- CCTV for enlarging text or written material
- Document feeding scanner
More information can be found on the Assistive Technology page: http://disability.utexas.edu/assistive-technology-2/
How do I schedule a test at D&A?
The University of Texas does have the Campus Testing Center (CTC) as a resource to provide space for accommodated testing. Instructors are required to schedule a test via RegisterBlast at least 5 business days before the exam date. Student need to reserve their exam spot no later than 3 days (72 hours) before the exam date. If students are approved for use of adaptive equipment on exams, they will be scheduled to take their exam in D&A’s Assistive Technology Education Center.
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