General Information | Hard-of-Hearing (HH) | Deaf | Communicating
Request Forms and More Information
Students with hearing disabilities vary greatly in the degree and type of hearing loss they experience. Each person with a hearing loss will respond differently to amplification (hearing aids, cochlear implants), and it is important to note that amplifications do not completely correct a hearing loss. Hearing aids do not clarify sounds, they simply amplify sounds.
The two main types of hearing loss are:
- Sensorineural: Nerve deafness which involves impairment of the auditory nerve
- Conductive deafness: Dysfunction of a part of the outer or middle ear
If the age of onset occurs before the acquisition of language and the development of speech, the individual may have language-based deficiencies such as poor syntax and vocabulary, and difficulty understanding abstract concepts.
Hard-of-Hearing (HH)
A person who is hard-of-hearing has a partial hearing loss and may be able to communicate adequately in a one-on-one situation in quiet surroundings. However, in a typical classroom environment with moderate background noise, students with hearing loss may still experience significant communication difficulties.
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Persons who are deaf have severe to profound hearing loss. They must rely on a visual mode of communication though they may be able to hear some sounds with hearing aids.
A person with a hearing impairment may be able to communicate orally (by speech-reading and speaking) or by using sign language, or a combination of both.
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Communicating with Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Individuals
Although they may wear hearing aids, students may rely primarily on lip reading. However, even highly skilled lip readers usually only comprehend 30-40 percent of what is said. Additionally, lip reading students frequently miss class members’ comments and have difficulty understanding instructors who cover their lips, face the chalkboard, move around, or otherwise have obstructions of their mouth (e.g. masks, mustaches, etc.).
People who wear hearing aids may not hear sounds the way others do. Hearing aids amplify all sounds and can make small noises overwhelming. Sometimes people with hearing aids hear only jumbled sounds and disjointed fragments.
A sign language interpreter may be necessary to convey the oral message to a deaf student. The individual/interpreter will determine the best placement for the interpreter in each setting, ensuring they have visibility of both the interpreter and the non-signing presenters in the space.
Typewell or CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) may be needed to convey the oral message to a deaf student who does not use sign language. These are live captioning services provided by a stenographer, and a D/HH individual will need a device such as a laptop/tablet and microphone to capture the information presented.
Interpreters and live captioning services are arranged by the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Services team in D&A. Deaf/hard-of-hearing individuals may use either service for all academic-related activities and other University-sponsored activities.
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Interpreter/Live Captioning (CART) Request Forms
Contact the D/HH Team
For general inquiries, email or call (512) 410-6644 (VP). Registered students should email their coordinator directly.
More Information
- Live Captioning Services
- ASL Interpreter Services
- Closed Captioning Services
- Tuition Exemption Information
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